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Sunday 19 October, 2014 | RSS Feed

What food will damage the male sexual function

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Men eat less or do not eat some food, for male sexual function is good. Because these foods, itself has a strong on male sexual function damage. Today, to tell you that hurt male sexual function food, want a man at ordinary times, can be avoided. Lotus seed All say lotus seed is good thing, not only can call, but also has the effect of purging fire. But, remember, lotus seeds to eat many, will greatly damage the male sexual function, low sexual desire can lead to man, serious can lead to apathy. Wax gourd Wax gourd is food reducing weight, but it is not suitable for men to eat, even if you also want to the man to lose weight through wax gourd, suggest you don't eat again. Of course, if you desire in nowhere to vent, can also choose to eat wax gourd. alcohol Alcohol injury don't have to speak, the everyone should understand. Alcohol is mainly to the harm of male libido, impotence, ejaculation problems, etc. celery Know why don't men cannot eat celery, especially some related with the sperm quality of male, don't eat again, this is because the celery, have the effect of the boycott of sperm production, so the semen quantity is little, it is not recommended to eat. The bamboo shoots Bamboo shoots is the same truth, for women have a strong role, because contain folic acid, especially pregnant women, but for men, it is not a good thing. Because the bamboo shoots can lead to some mineral elements absorption, and lead to its decreased libido, reduce the male sexual function. The above several kinds of just some of the common food, in fact, there are other foods, for male sexual function, has a tremendous damage, for example, there are water chestnut, mustard, tobacco, carrots, shark fin and other food. So you don't think some of the food is great, just grab something to eat, in fact, some tonic foods, instead more conducive to the body. The men on the choice food, more closely and carefully, otherwise, one not careful, will hurt your sex in your ignorance. You know, this year, but is a lifetime thing. So, male friends, can avoid the damage function of food, it was better to avoid. wholesale male enhancement pills

Prevention of premature ejaculation method

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To eliminate the psychological factor is key As men itself or a sexual partner, first must have a full understanding to sexual knowledge, clearly know the dangers of mental factors for sexual function. Don't cry because it is a two failed intercourse and depressed, and even afraid of sex, as sexual partners should actively encourage the man, remember to give the man heart pressure, at the time of intercourse, thought must focus on the above, this time don't go to think of other things, especially when they are to reach the high peak, this time is the most critical moment, must be full attention on sexual intercourse. Sex to section c, masturbation to quit Some newly married couples, when newly married wife in the face of the temptation of the body will control, in fact, excessive sex for premature ejaculation is also has a great deal of harm. Some young people indulge in sex all day, frequent masturbation to solve his sexual demands, actually often masturbation can cause mental fatigue, serious can cause premature ejaculation. As long as the stop couples have sex or quit masturbation habit for a period of time, slowly premature ejaculation illness will get better. Try to use a condom There are a lot of male genital contact directly to the wife's vagina, after several reply of thrusting, soon the glans penis is particularly sensitive, ejaculation impulses, but if this time using a condom, then the glans penis no direct contact with the vagina, can greatly reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, in order to reduce the time of ejaculation, effectively prevent premature ejaculation, after a period of hard work, can alleviate the condition of premature ejaculation. Regular exercise improves personal body quality Male sex is actually a "manual", without a strong body, not only can reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse, and still can cause early ejaculation, so often should loosen body and mind, to participate in various sports activities, prevent overfatigue, for premature ejaculation effect "just around the corner. Quit smoking and alcohol Male friends who drink and smoke is a very common thing, but according to the survey, drinking and smoking male human ability not equal to men who do not drink and smoke, because smoking can block blood flow to the body peripheral, affects the circulation of the blood of Yin meridians, and drinking too much, can cause the gonads poisoning, serious is not only premature ejaculation can even cause infertility. wholesale male enhancement capsules

Why the male sexual function problems after birth?

by Administrator | post a comment

Some couples sex life before pregnancy is very happy, but, but after the baby was born, a series of problems. Of course, for some women, because of factors such as birth baby, lactation hormone changes in the body, and after having good baby, more desire to protect children, more need is to take care of the children, there may be decreased libido, the phenomenon of cold to her husband. So, for men, they would also be affected, the baby is born, found that there are many difficulties in terms of sex. So, it is because what reason? The side effects of long-term abstinence In fact, sex is also a kind of repeated labor, only in the case of insist, will be able to practice makes perfect, if long-term abstinence, will produce a series of side effects, and the wife of gestation, for her husband, is to take care of their daily life, the baby is born, still have to take care of the family, in addition, still have to busy with work. Although in the middle of the pregnancy, couples actually can be having sex, however, many couples for the baby's health, or didn't. When the baby is born, originally a long-awaited sex because of long-term abstinence appeared the problem of the strike. So, is understandable. The birth of the child changed his life The birth of the baby, not only changed the role, but also a thorough subversion the whole family's life. Because the baby was born, everything is the center of life, in order to take care of him, arranged for him, or he hungry, he will feel happy. When he sleep, husband and wife because tired already exhausted that sexuality. Psychological factors influence an erection , of course, there are some because of psychological reasons, such as the child is born, his wife will shift the focus of attention to the children, her husband would be a psychological gap, feeling has received the cold shoulder, and her husband also because of the father, is that to do so stronger sense of responsibility. In addition there are other concerns that it will increase the erectile problems. Actually, if really appear after birth sex problems, we don't need to escape, but instead should be positive in the face of it, to correct it. Sex life, after all, is an integral part of life, if occasionally erections occurred several times also don't need too much worry, can try many times, or adjust their mood, to rest for a period of time.

News for Saturday 18 October, 2014

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