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Tuesday 06 May, 2014 | RSS Feed

From 5 PM know woman sexuality depth

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From 5 PM know woman sexuality depth 1, look the temptation Eye contact is a sign of confidence, especially to the sex, containing sheepishly worthless, I'm afraid. If she love catch you little brother sleep, this is definitely a good news ? ? she willing to make any new attempt, so don't give up the opportunity to play with her skills. 2, the mouth movement to frequent Please find love mouth movement women (cigarette in hand, often water, nail biting, eat like life) for kissing opponents, they generally skilled in this aspect, is a matter of their practice in harmony and love in the mouth. If you only love pure feeling of woman, because only like pecking wood without addiction. 3, strong thigh Energetic strong thighs stout said her, she would not only call you put the lights on the bold woman, and her performance in light generally will not disappoint you. 4, fashionable clothes Please be careful, if she is fitting is called "men in black", after take off, in addition to her too much fat, is more likely to be a tear. On the contrary, smartly dressed woman says it is willing to coming up and down on the bed. 5, short hair the most pleasant surprise Long hair woman said she would like to and have the patience to do troublesome; but naughty woman with short hair is easier to give you a surprise. A woman should note with loose hair; She don't even pay attention to your instrument, you can have any hope for her. Deep brown and red hair enthusiasm like fire, the blonde is most can improve the interest between the sheets. And a head of curly hair beautiful girl, guess, they love but leather collection apparatus.

don't to do lose sexual things when doing sex

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Lost things can't do Marriage is likely to let people enjoy the happiness of heaven, hell is also likely to endure the torture, the key lies in how to management and communication. On March 26, the famous American sex magazine interviewed Boston family dispute "the red book" is expert terry lille, points out the some common but easily neglected problems in the marriage, they are likely to be damage feelings, let the life "asexual" : Urinate in front of your partner. Free with your mate, intimacy, it's a good sign. But this does not mean that can "get". In front of a partner on the toilet and fart is taboo, shaving before her husband wife is indecent, this will let him feel very "dirty", nature also did not have "sex". Don't pile plush toys on the bed. Toys in women's eyes the pronoun that is cute, but in men is just a "asexual" signals: it's for playing house, without passion to collide. If you want to have a warm night, the first is "small parts" on the bed. When watching TV, the couple will only shoulder by shoulder silly to sit, but did not face to face communication. This will be too much outside information into the practice of illicit close space, will let the weakening sense of intimacy between couples. A survey shows that there is TV in the bedroom, than those who didn't TV, half less sex. Don't use sex partner "blackmail". Sex is a means to communicate with each other, rather than a tool. If one party make chips with sex, will make oneself become "server" - to serve others for something. This is the relationship, the insult to the partner. Fake orgasm. First of all, this is not honest, can make each other apart. Second, if is for the sake of the other person's self-esteem and faking, results not only oneself not to enjoy pleasure, also let the other side misunderstanding. For men, no sexy a sacrifice. Talk about the old love. Whether men or women, hate partner compare yourself and old love, this is a kind of disrespect, sometimes will let the other side think you suggest that he is inferior to man. Mother 24 hours a day. If women after birth, put too much energy on children, her husband will be jealous, will and his wife slowly alienation. In his mind, that gentle sweet beautiful live, actually turned out to be a nagging yellow face shiva. So, women should leave some time for yourself and care for myself, in this way can we make love you more partners. The loved one as "elder brothers". Men and women talk mode is different, want to reassure also different, so don't expect your partner will like gay friend, can properly heal you. And if the reflect and expectations, may also further hook up your anger, finally destroyed the relationship.

Improving the capacity of male human eat grapes have such benefi

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Improving the capacity of male human eat grapes have such benefits Eat grapes not only healthy, but also can enhance sexual desire, it is easier to get an orgasm. Recently, published in the journal health life, according to a report of eating grapes, drinking a moderate amount of wine can help regulate sexual function, enhance sexual feelings. Researchers at the university of surrey in London conducted the study. They found that areas of the brain sex hormone is sensitive to glucose levels. When lack of glucose in the human body, it is easy to appear tired, the problem of low sexual desire, and grape sugar is mainly in the glucose, can quickly absorbed by the body. When the body appear hypoglycemia, if timely drinking grape juice, can quickly make the symptoms. At the same time, French scientists study found that grape can prevent thrombosis, lower serum cholesterol levels, the human body reduce the cohesion of platelets, keep clear of blood vessels, which can help reduce the incidence of male erectile dysfunction. In addition. Grapes contain flavonoids is a kind of powerful antioxidant, can resist aging, keeping youth and passion. 80% of the world's grapes are used for wine, women daily drinking wine, appropriate can also help delay the arrival of menopause, make sex more happy. Grapes are extremely rich nutrition. According to nutritionists science of raisins (various classes of fresh grapes berries nutrition average is three or so), each hectogram including protein 3.1 grams, 0.5 grams fat, carbohydrates, 69 grams, can produce a quantity of heat of 293 kilocalorie, 57 mg calcium, phosphorus 140 mg, 3.8 mg of iron, etc. Its nutritional value almost the same red jujube, longan. TCM holds that grape beneficial gas blood tonic, thirst quenching, spleen and diuresis, can help to flush out toxins. Market fresh grapes, colourful, red, white and green purple black. Little imagine all kinds of nutritious and medicinal particular though. Red grapes contain reverse enzyme, can soften blood vessels, huoxue huayu, prevent thrombosis, cardiovascular patients should be eating more; Reverse enzyme in red grape lining content is the most abundant, even the best skin eat together. White grape with lung qi, runfei effect and is very suitable for cough, respiratory system disease of human consumption.

News for Monday 05 May, 2014

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