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Sunday 30 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

Happy harmonious sex to build a good marriage

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A harmonious sex life, need to the combined efforts of men and women both parties. No matter which side to sexual life, the lack of knowledge or unwilling to affect sexual harmony. From sexual psychological terms, women are more likely to cause disharmony. Many women are afraid of the other belittle yourself, try very hard to suppress the real response and emotions, to show the lofty and self-respect. Some women strong conservative views, think sex is to obligations, a negative, passive attitude. Female talent is shy, reserved, timid and negative psychological trigger resistance and acceleration excited. Hope they consciously from these mental shackles is not realistic, especially minority women in premarital sexual desire is very weak, is more difficult to get rid of this trouble. ? male sexual response characteristic determines their sexual desire strong, always can inspire and rapid progress to complete the degree of excitement. And women before and after ovulation or premenstrual only will be the climax of sexual desire strong, even so, they are thrilled and excited than men slowly and hidden. Both sexes Happy harmonious sex life will pay attention to the following: both sides want to sexual desire and impulse, not forced. Concentration on both sides, don't distracted. Both sexual excitement, sex euphoric mood should be infected with each other, and excited by each other. Such as expression, posture, language and tone. Love the people love to get to know each other and make each other happy, give and provide each other with all you need. Love, need time, need to sincerely treat each other, need to communicate feelings quickly. Only built on the basis of understanding and respect, and fully understand the knowledge, husband and wife can happy happy harmonious life. In a word, can maintain a good sex life, will no doubt is of great benefit to health of husband and wife. Abroad survey, separated or divorced women than married women are more likely to infectious diseases is due to their immunity is low, their ex-husband tend to poor health. The survey also showed that some still keep the marriage relationship but bad immunity tend to score less r or divorcee. Visible, a good marriage, harmonious sexual life is very important for health.

A woman will be known as the "hidden rules"

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Women see marriage as a lifetime career to run, but they push the marriage to the edge of a precipice, but some women during the business relationship with your heart by heart, only to find that feeling more and more bad, it is because you didn't know the marriage rules. Small make up today is to uncover, the unwritten rules of marriage. Not all pay will have return Marriage, not your pay, you can get what you want to return, such as women belt living, man finally to cheat, this also is to have occurred. As for the current marital status, while cheating men is one of the few, but still exists, women don't delusion you pay will have return, the return of the time is not fixed. Marriage must maintain a balanced state, you know, the marriage of the business you are trying to, but the results to god, each other loyalty to you or the betrayal, women have to accept, if a woman always think all pay will have return, at the time of the marriage encounter bottlenecks will collapse. Women must love yourself first A woman must know a love oneself, especially in the bedroom, must be ready ahead of the condom, avoid the harm that his body was accidental pregnancy. Weekend rest, for his soup nourishes the body, free time can and girlfriends to chat, tell some recent situation. All in all, women must treat yourself. Woman's expressed the desire to do better, love your woman cause strong, security is very strong, the security is higher than men give you a sense of security, because it won't leave you. Turn a blind eye to let marriage longer Men will inevitably some lying in a marriage, a woman had better be to turn a blind eye, this does not mean that you don't care about, but said that you care about what's the use? Woman, don't because some things just to myself, man also particularly dislike you, rather than let him a horse, let others also let yourself. Give each other space In marriage, two people need a certain space, men also have tired, they need space to vent their emotions, women should give enough space, let him to deal with personal problems, space make your relationship more passionate and newness.

"Bubble" marriage With a stamp is broken

by Administrator | post a comment

For women, marriage is the most important thing in life, is also indispensable. Women are only accept the marriage for love, no love, marriage is just a shell, there is no happiness, only the ordeal. However, a woman's love and marriage is very easy to generate "bubble" form, is simply a stamp is broken, bear scrutiny and running-in. How to avoid this situation? Bubble marriage is a common phenomenon Bubble phenomenon in marriage, is a kind of common phenomenon in the society reality. Requires a lot of very demanding woman to man, she wants her man one way or another, to have a house, car, and also includes status! Make a man very tired, very hard, also very tired! Man in order to meet the woman that forever also can't satisfy the desire, hard to work outside all day, almost to the nerve to the brink of collapse, said he was not a bit exaggerated his devotion. Men sweated blood on that back home every day but no women's tenderness, considerate and caring, let alone once romantic and touching, embrace together sleep once, a man's face is no longer the chrysanthemum yellow face, but no end, he used to find the scenery pleasing to both the chatter of woman. Men need harbour, need love, tenderness, lingering in the hug to each other. Woman always said that a man with money will go bad, eat a bowl of looking at the pot, no longer love them. Actually otherwise, man is get the money at the same time, also lost the old warm. Not a man to go bad, nerves is not slow, body and mind is not easy. Women don't know her feminine and artificial, is a boost for men, she can effectively ease the nerves and exhaustion of body and mind, this time the man need more gentle and lovely woman with a lingering. Many women think that solves the men of the stomach needs to go, but neglected the man's physiological needs. Over time, the man started the "want to" point and begins to be "bad". Can this strange man? A happy marriage needs careful management Marriage also need business! If you don't want to become a bubble, don't want to become a trash, just a little more considerate and lingering, a little less pressure and persecuted, let a man somewhat, the heart has belongs to. Use love to go to the common run your marriage, what's that sentence, the healthy and orderly sustainable development! To know the man there is a limit to work under pressure, always give him pressure, he always turned to his relief, his heart will drift, will don't love, foam is produced in a marriage, you want to let him know that his woman forever is the world's most tender, the most enchanting and charming soft, the most touching, the most sexy woman, the man won't produce the bubble economy. In addition, sex is also an important element in marriage, can't lack. Women should actively communicate with men, in order to keep the sex harmony. Sufficient communication and exchanges to keep sex good, to correct mistakes, progressive advantage, so to make sex more happy more happy.

News for Thursday 27 March, 2014

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