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Tuesday 25 February, 2014 | RSS Feed

How great a woman have orgasm?

by Administrator | 1 comments

Famous sexologist hite in her sex report, feel about the female orgasm is described: "my body felt suspended flutter and full of strength, a pentium spewing flame, strong all-consuming, adorably extremely is almost unable to withstand extreme ecstasy." "I felt extremely excited - my shortness of breath, at the same time my head becomes weightless, like in a dream world, voice, distant time like stagnation." Good, the female orgasm in a known as "suspended" feeling, the moment she appeared to be suspended in mid-air, usually 1-3 seconds. This sense of "suspension" is equal to the male orgasm before the experience of the sense of "inevitable" (men have this feeling when it cannot suppress ejaculation). As the clitoris by rhythmic stimulation, extremely sensitive nerve impulses to the spinal cord, and in the spinal cord immediately diverted back to orgasm muscles in the pelvis. "Suspended" so send out from the clitoris, into the pelvis. This phenomenon occurs, women gradually forget everything around, don't even know where their - like shortage of power electric light dark gradually. Her nervous system will be used in most of the impulse muscle of bouts of contracture, which will fill the blood from the expansion of blood vessels around the outer wall of the vagina. Woman disappear this perception makes her there is a feeling of out of control. Is precisely because of this kind of feeling, the name of the female orgasm has a more unique - the death of "short". For some women, especially the first woman to experience orgasm, this perception disappear is very terrible. At this time, if they are afraid of losing control and despised by men, the climax of this perfectly normal reaction would be thwarted in psychological, make orgasm can't achieve maximum intensity. At this stage of orgasm, no two women's reaction is exactly the same, although their body experience similar to physiological changes. Some women is quiet; Some women not groan, is to scream; Some arched back, or next to bite, such as arms, pillow, etc. When consciousness began to recover, but a few seconds - almost all women feel warm, first the pelvis, and then throughout the body. "Burst" many times orgasm is abnormal? A marriage for young woman, said the furrowed brow, her husband is a gentle, understand amorous feelings of man, make love every time was a great success. But for his recent abnormal phenomenon fidgety. Because her husband every time after "responsibility", and with infinite comfortable and happy in her breath, and she wants him to remain in her body, bent over her, she felt her body has a torrent of stem in the roar, hope to continue to do a husband. To that end, she wondered whether got eroticism, feel a shameless lewd women. Last contracture after sexual intercourse when a woman, her body will quickly lose sexual tension, masters and Johnson called the stage "resolve". Immediately if they are not faded, but the return to the plateau, and also can repeatedly from plateau to stimulate to orgasm, this kind of phenomenon is "multiple orgasms, and every woman have this potential. Women appear multiple orgasm during sex is not a sexual perversion, also does not mean is "oversexed", "beast", "the feminine". Survey found that some women admit that they have the psychological burden of guilt, because they worry that has this kind of feeling will defile the purity of marriage sacred. Orgasm, are on a couple of temperament, sexual maturity, hobbies and choose and make love of art. Women have multiple orgasms ability is the cause of the pelvis in blood vessels, with a large number of intricate orgasm contracture seldom can discharge all deposition in the blood. You can say that, after the first climax, a woman still full of power, can continue to contracture, and don't need a large amount of stimulus, she can again and again to make nervous reaches the agreement again. In fact, she had gone through any orgasm strength depends on her pelvic venous congestion. Sometimes less congestion, high and low; Sometimes pump capacity is much, high tide has reached its peak. Is at such times, the woman is very likely to experience multiple orgasms. Sometimes due to anatomical differences, such as some vein network hypoplasia of the woman, the woman is difficult to achieve orgasm. This problem after they gave birth a child seems to have disappeared. Indeed, for many women in pregnancy experience orgasm during sex, birth after orgasm is more easy, sometimes sex have multiple orgasms for the first time. This is the so-called "pregnancy effect". Pelvic vein energy increase, this may be related to pregnancy associated number increased. If sexual excitement period and platform period gradually accumulated venous congestion is not orgasm releases, women will make love be agitated mood, sense of failure, and even serious back pain. Like many women in the menstrual period because of sexual desire rise and can't make love, will produce the phenomenon lumbago. Tend to have multiple orgasms a woman needs 3-6 times orgasm can relax the whole body completely. Are ever-changing, with a fixed by the standards of a certain situation sometimes is impossible. How high orgasm? Is a don't need to answer the question, as long as it can full to devote in sexual life and make both husband and wife feel happy, can achieve this, have enough, why to pursue what feather's feel like a fairy? Wouldn't you say so. wholesale male enhancement pills

Look inner character from the smile lover's

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People in love always want to be able to know more about each other's minds and personality. Japanese social psychologist acerbity GuChang three specializes in action to learn nonverbal communication and space, found through daily behavior can grasp each other's love psychology as soon as possible. His book "see his heart -- from details about the people you care about" are introduced in the first through each other's smile and face when analysis methods such as character. From the corners of the mouth radian understand character cry or laugh will appear all sorts of expression, this is because the muscles of the face movement. Just like other muscles, facial muscles more often use will be more strong. The strength of the facial muscles can be seen from the corners of the mouth of the ordinary state. Corners of the mouth is usually rise is the man who is very often laugh, cheerful and lively, very talkative and forthright personality, want to "with people" (and desire) idea is strong, has the social sex. As you are full of smile, as a "passion", naturally attract many people. Good natured, and people, but have a moody, not enough single side. Corners of the mouth to droop, often melancholy mood. For any matter all is very negative, and have no interest or don't care about the things around, rarely reveal joys and sorrows. It is very difficult to understand others, make friends with them. Hard to du with people on both ends of the corners of the mouth, said a depressed place in your heart. Although usually not open easily, but once you begin to people criticize or complain, will be like a dam, open the floodgates, let a person to stay at a respectful distance from sb. The corners of the mouth pursed pointed, said there are many words want to say in the heart, and there is no way to tell others, not content to uneven or discontent. Even talk to all the witticism, no content, even said something important, attitude is not very serious. Corners of the mouth is flabby prolapse, is without tension. For others positive action can't rapid reaction, beating around the bush, have a strait-laced section side. Distinguish pleasant smile and a false smile just "smile", there is a smile, wry smile, laugh at dozens of kinds. "Smile" was born in order to ease the tension, but as a sneer or a smile of compassion, is in an unpleasant situation appears instead of "smile". According to the different smile, as you can see subtle psychological situation. "Wow ha ha ha" open laugh, said the personality is bright, from the heart to feel relaxed. Heroic laugh and laugh loudly and this situation. But, in the case of less natural laugh, can make a person feel have other intentions, such as deliberately show their great, let a person feel very generous. Some people look generous, but the heart has a strong sense of inferiority and uncomfortable, want to laugh to hide, belongs to the distorted personality and don't want to let people see true type. Sipping mouth smile, let a person feel his superiority. Sometimes, the smile, can let a person feel uncomfortable. This person may be easy to look down on others, and not hide, having psychological subtleties, is immune. Even if their mistakes, can also pretend "none of my business", as if nothing has occurredly appearance, will not care to dodge denial. Sent bursts bursts of laughter, everyday should be a gentle person. They are cautious conservative smoothie, will behind the others for help. If deliberately so laugh, laugh at people inside. The odd thing is that nothing about someone laugh often. This compliment fake smile, it is an act of flattery others (called cater to action). "I will obey you" meaning smile, said worried or have to worry about things, "please help me", the idea of "care for me, please. In addition, there are "want to and your friends' messages of the affinity of desire. Is from the heart smile, as long as pay attention to the eyes and the whole body. Unnatural laugh or smile, with the purpose of corners of the mouth with laughing, usually but not eyes smile. In addition, also not excited reaction. Look in my face turn red or white said red is in evidence. Within his may be because the "lies" and feel uncomfortable, "said the abominable and shame", "was shot in the home" and a big surprise... Speaking in front of others who suddenly face a red tide also many! Feel anger or disgust, or excited about something, his face will be red. Once found his face turned red, the others point out that your blush with shame, often face more red. Face turned red, most starts from the ear to become red. Even if don't see any change from my face, have a look at the ear is know if his heart was shaken. People face is easy to become red, idea easily shaken, and therefore easy to hang back. If creates an atmosphere of happiness easily, the advantages of good kindly listening will be more obvious. Perhaps temper a little too urgent. Found himself blush will not hide, lively and emotional ups and downs is very big, is relatively clear personality. Become pale, said with intense fear and uncertainty in my heart. Life in relationship to themselves and others, for example, or whether or not the serious degree, is not only red will turn pale. Troubled the extent of the strong, become pale. Because he's angry face white, it is the symbol of wrath, if you don't want to a way the consequences will be severe.

Ten tips to extend the time of sexual

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You don't want to do sprinters on sex, long-distance running champion is the ultimate goal. Man premature ejaculation, it is easy to affect couples sex life. Actually affect sexual life length of many reasons, such as sex, position, technique and so on, at the right time to take the only sexual life skills, to make the life of husband and wife true contentment and harmony. The following 10 sexual life skills that can help quickly to extend the time of sex, men and women do more enjoy the fascinating moments. 1, rid of bad habits Strictly avoid tobacco, alcohol, gambling, keep enough sleep. 2, confident Believe in yourself sexual function is normal, strong, rich reproductive ability. In spirit based on the invincible position, it is crucial for middle-aged people often. 3, pay attention to outward appearance of the younger Old people pursue young mood, can make the body is young; Instead, fear of aging, often from sigh "too old", made of aging in spiritual captive, soon will fall into the old man. 4, diet and nutrition Appropriate into more seafood kind of food, because seafood contain "zinc", is beneficial to enhance sexual desire. 5, often movement Jogging or walking, exercise the lower half. The rise and fall of the sexual function of "key" in the waist and feet. Exercise fitness experts launched a "sex", each action can exercise the muscles needed for the sex. According to the following method to do it, you will feel the body comfort and pleasure, make sexual intercourse tight muscles strong. 6 and appreciate the beauty In fully under the premise of not two love wife, love to hold women frame of mind, it can stimulate gonad hormone secretion, keep unremitting sexual function. And keep your ambition To rich the dedication to work, be full of enthusiasm to the work. Some people yearn for ease of life after retirement, content to have grandchildren, their sexual early ageing is inevitable. If retired, should find some can cause your interest of the public affairs. 8, life is humor The great secret of humor and wit is to keep young. Modern life rhythm speeding up, the city people work pressure big, incidental body function decline, sub-health status. And at the same time people "warm lust", therefore particularly focused on the sexual function decline. 9, open-minded Character cheerful, not for a mere bagatelle around, open mind is not old trick, depression can lead to impotence. 10 and nutrients Day taking food containing natural vitamin E, it can delay the aging of the body and sexual failure.

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